Chemours Opteon™ Refrigerants


Chemours pioneers advancements in chemistry to address global challenges and enhance everyday life. From transportation to energy, the company’s products and technologies impact a range of industries. 

Opteon™ products contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future, providing effective solutions for air conditioning, refrigeration, and various applications.

Key Features

  • Ultra Low Global Warming Potential (GWP) HFO Refrigerants
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Top-notch performance, ensuring efficient and effective solutions

Recommissioning and Retrofits for Air Conditioning Equipment

Our retrofit activities focus on replacing HCFC and HFC refrigerants with their equivalent Chemours refrigerant and oil solutions, to ensure enhanced efficiency and environmental responsibility.

We specialise in high-end retrofit projects, that involve

  • meticulous on-site checking
  • detailed machinery analysis
  • engineering assessments.

Our recommissioning process entails the removal of gas, oil, and scales from Heat Exchangers (HXEs) using specialised Chemours cleaning solutions.

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